Board of Christian Education: The Board has oversight of all educational opportunities for the Body of Christ. They also work with the pastor to ensure New Members/Disciples receive proper training. Members of the Board are appointed annually and serve for a period of one year.
Church School: The Church School is responsible for religious training of adults and youth of the church. Members of the Church School are appointed annually by the Pastor and Superintendent and serve for a period of one year. The church school gathers Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Class Leaders: Class Leaders can be described as “church buddies,” as they journey with members during their spiritual walk. They are responsible for communicating with and addressing the needs of the congregants on a regular basis.
Commission on Stewardship & Finance: The Commission is responsible for the oversight of all funds collected for the purposes of the church. The committee is generally made up of Stewards, Trustees, and Official Board members. Members of the Commission are appointed annually by the pastor and serve for a period of one year.
Compassionate Hearts Ministry: Compassionate Hearts is an intentional community ministry committed to promoting mental wellness and wholeness.
Flower Ministry: The Flower Ministry supplies flowers for the altar. They also provide an opportunity for members to dedicate flowers to loved ones or commemorate special occasions.
Fuel Club: The J.W. McKnight Fuel Ministry raises funds to help the church meet financial obligations pertaining to heating bills.
Health Ministry: The Health Ministry (Nurse’s Unit) is not merely for those in the health field. It is a ministry that seeks to provide information relevant to health issues within the Body of Christ.
Helping Hand Ministry: This ministry provides a helping hand with various endeavors throughout the life of the church, especially pertaining to seniors and youth.
Keep It Moving: This ministry focuses on the importance of physical health. The ministry does congregational exercises and classes.
Lay Organization: The purpose of this ministry is to instill in its members a love and appreciation for the history, tradition and principles of African Methodism.
Liturgical Dance Ministry: The Judah Liturgical Dance Ministry seeks to worship the Lord through dance.
Men’s Ministry: The Metropolitan Men’s Ministry (MMM) focuses on spiritual, physical and emotional growth and provides a safe space where brothers come together to grow in the word of God.
Missionary Society: The Naomi Joiner Missionary Society is responsible for carrying out the work of local and global missions. This is done through efforts to seek out those who are need and to assist them physically and spiritually.
Music Ministry: The Music Ministry provides music for the various worship experiences of the church. The Music Ministry is composed of the Sanctuary Choir, The Anointed Male Chorus, and the Youth Choir.
Pastor’s Aide: The Pastor’s Aide Ministry provides moral and physical support assisting the pastor wherever needed.
Prayer Ministry: The prayer ministry provides opportunities for the congregation to come together in corporate prayer.
Prison Ministry: The Amazing Grace Prison Ministry helps encourage those imprisoned by sending monthly letters and cards of good will. The ministry desires to grow and stay connected to the issues concerning our brothers and sisters.
Security Ministry: This ministry is designed to secure the safety of the congregants and the church.
Shepherd’s Ministry: This ministry focuses on meeting the needs of seniors and the sick and shut-in. The ministry encourages others and shares God’s love.
South Carolina Club: This ministry raises the banner of pride of those born in the beautiful state of South Carolina. It also assists with the financial needs of the church.
Steward Board: The Steward Board are officers who assist the pastor in the administrative and financial management of the church. In addition, they assist with the spiritual and physical needs of the congregation and community. Members of the Steward Ministry are appointed annually by the pastor and serve for a period of one year.
Stewardess Board: The Stewardess Ministry is responsible for preparing the altar and pulpit for worship. They assist with the preparation of Holy Communion and Baptism.
Trustee Board: The Trustee Board is responsible for the oversight of all church property (building, contents, church van, etc). Members of the Trustee Ministry are elected annually by the church conference and serve for a period of one year.
Ushers: The Usher ministry serves as the doorkeepers of the church.
There are Adult and Junior Ushers.
Women’s Ministry: The Potter’s Women’s Ministry focuses on spiritual, physical and emotional growth and provides a safe space where sisters come together to grow in the word of God.
Young People’s Division: The Y.P.D. is the youth arm of the missionary society. The missionaries train the youth of the church about Christ, missions and outreach, church polity and other matters of importance in the Body of Christ. Young people up to age 25 are encouraged and welcomed to join the Y.P.D.
Youth Ministry: The Metropolitan Youth Ministry (mYm) is a place where young people come together to study the word of God and discuss issues relevant to young people. The ministry meets monthly. All young people are encouraged to be a part of the Youth Ministry.